Our goal is to enhance every Jewish male’s connection to his Creator through the power of this sacred mitzvah.
Kosher Tefillin Project was founded for the purpose of giving every Jewish male aged 13 and older a chance to own and use their own quality pair of tefillin. We aim to reach out to the public and assist those less fortunate who may not be able to afford checking the kosher status of their tefillin, or purchasing a new quality pair. It is taught that “all [members] of Israel are guarantors for one another.” The sheer power and sanctity of this mitzvah is too vital to ignore; we make it our mission to make it as accessible and understandable as possible for all those who need it.
Tefillin is one of the most fundamental mitzvoth of the Torah. It has been observed and treasured since the Torah was given at Mount Sinai over 3,000 years ago. The Torah mentions it four times no less, such as in Deuteronomy 6:8, “You shall bind them as a sign upon your hand, and they should be for a reminder between your eyes.” This verse is a part of the essential Shema recitation proclaimed by the Jewish public every morning and evening.
Our sages of blessed memory have said that, in a certain sense, the mitzvah of tefillin is equal to the entire Torah. By donning tefillin, we plug our physical and intellectual powers, represented by the arm and head tefillin respectively, into the loyal and dedicated service of Hashem.
The Shulchan Arukh writes that those who wear tefillin are promised great reward. A number of sources teach that proper observance of this mitzvah earns a person long life and good health. The head tefillin must be placed near the brain, and the arm tefillin near the heart; the body’s two life-sustaining organs. Hence, if one properly observes this mitzvah, he is rewarded with life and health, physically and spiritually. Other sources note that the head tefillin, which is situated on the head, atones for arrogance, and the arm tefillin, worn on the arm, atones for even grievous sins committed by the hands. It also atones for the sin of wasteful seminal emissions. The Zohar says that the importance of this mitzvah equals that of all other mitzvoth combined.
Due to the unique importance of this mitzvah, Rav Mordechai Hakohen Ashkenazi (Germany, 13th century) writes that one must ensure to purchase tefillin from a God-fearing, trustworthy Sofer. One should also stress acquiring the highest quality tefillin, and not look for “bargains,” so that he can fulfill this mitzvah at the highest possible standard.